Author Topic: Adding Beneficial Bacteria to pond  (Read 2087 times)

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Offline happyfishgirl

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Adding Beneficial Bacteria to pond
« on: August 30, 2010, 05:19:56 AM »
I just wanted to share with the new people especially something that took me awhile to learn. When you get into
learning about ponds you will also keep hearing about beneficial bacteria. I never realized what this was all about
until someone told me about this product. It is called microbelift and it comes in a spring/summer or a fall/winter
box. What it is is a bottle of liquid bacteria that smells like rotten eggs. You pour the liquid into your pond (amt varies on size of pond) and then also the packet of cellulase enzymes. You turn off your UV for at least a couple of days (if you have one) and let it work in the pond. What it does is put good bacteria in your pond and helps jumpstart your pond to a healthier environment , helps maintain a healthy immune system for your fish, reduces buildup of dead leaves and organic sediment all winter and or spring long.  It is 100 percent safe for humans, animals, and plant life.
It definitely has worked very well for me and I highly recommend it.  I know people will tell you that you just need to wait till your plants all start working and wait for everything to kick in -which you do , but adding this in the spring or winter will help so much more. Check it out for yourselves and let me know what you think.  Just wanted to share this with all of you.

Offline Serafimhaper

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Re: Adding Beneficial Bacteria to pond
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2019, 12:35:32 AM »
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