Two of my favorite foliage plants for the bog garden are Houttuynia cordata variegata (Chameleon Plant) and Rumex sanguineus ssp. sanguineus (Bloody Sorrel). Another bonus is that both plants are edible

The Chameleon Plant can be invasive but my surrounding area is quite arid and this keeps the plant contained to the pond. It's not planted in any soil and just creeps along dipping it's feet into the water in the areas of my stream and waterfall. It dies back each winter and returns each spring. It's an aromatic plant and is used in some Asian cooking much like cilantro.

The Bloody Sorrel is my newest pond addition. The plant was in regular soil next to the pond and I divided it. I had read that it could be a bog plant so I tucked some of the division between some stones at the bottom of my waterfall. It looked wilted for a day or two but has since recovered and seems to be thriving. The leaves can be eaten like chard or made a part of salad.