View full version: Terrestrial Gardening
  1. Tomatoes are heat lovers, right! yes, but.....
  2. Trivia Question
  3. Passiflora Mollissima aka Banana Passion Fruit...
  4. September 4th Pix...
  5. Waterfall today
  6. p. amethyst
  7. First bloom on Passiflora Citrina...
  8. A few dreary day shade garden pics
  9. A couple of pics of my autumn clematis
  10. compost pile
  11. Crepe Myrtle 'Pokemoke' (dwarf shrub type)
  12. Late Season Hydrangeas . . . Old and New
  13. Variegated Hibiscus in Bloom...
  14. Sea Squill doing its thing.......Finally!
  15. A tulip photo
  16. Giant Brugs bud and branches! (and more pix)
  17. Mutants attack in the Front Yard!!
  18. Passiflora
  19. My first Brugs
  20. Heirloom Tomatoes
  21. A couple flowers still managing to bloom in spite of the dry summer.
  22. Cross your fingers that DH will water.....
  23. Another Butterfly with broken wing.
  24. Big Zac and bananas!
  25. My lotus Pod & Seeds...what to do with???
  26. Andreana again and again!
  27. Aristolochia Gigantea - Giant Dutchmans Pipe...
  28. two cannas in one - what's going on here?
  29. Tomato Cages
  30. Pix: 8-12-06
  31. Candelabra cactuswith blossom
  32. Some More Garden Pix 8/6-8/10
  33. Big Pot planted with 2 Plumeria's
  34. Some of my garden pics
  35. Cactus garden