View full version: Terrestrial Gardening
  1. Hens & Chickens almost covered
  2. Chinese Peony
  3. Gigantea and Mickey Mouse
  4. fruit or seed from an unknown palm tree?
  5. Cryptomeria japonica 'Spiralis'
  6. Gardening Quiz
  7. My banana plant
  8. Stargazing, One, Two Three....
  9. Iriscottage's yard this morning
  10. yellowing indoor plant leaves
  11. hibiscus i bought at lowes today...
  12. LeeAnne, etc. I need a Clematis ID please
  13. Deck plants and other weirdos...
  14. A few random shots around the garden
  16. Bananas and many others love Skippy!
  17. Eeeeeewwwwwwwwwww
  18. More Banana Pix!
  19. Vintage Garden Hand Tools
  20. Terrestrial lily shots
  21. Pics from around the yard tonight (an apple a day)
  22. Honey Bee & Hummingbird & Sparrows
  23. Bonsai - Qu's about how to grow 'em
  24. Daylily sales
  25. Hosta Summer Sale.
  26. Small Hot plants! Baby toes in the heat!
  27. Bananas ready to bear fruit A garden view
  28. Looks like Milldew, but why?
  29. Chameleon Plants
  30. Chocolate Tree anyone???
  31. Any info on Ardisia Humilis
  32. papaya fighting for the sun
  33. Some more gingers heliconia, in my garden this time
  34. Who knows about Hardy Tapioca?
  35. Santa Rosa Gardens- 4th of July sale, goes another week
  36. Just a couple more
  37. Showboat finally bloomed out
  38. Pics from last year
  39. Some more tropicals and such
  40. Gingers, heliconia, plumeria, oh my!
  41. Some new plants for me this year
  42. I'm a thief....
  43. Sale at Garden Crossings
  44. Here's a tip on padlocks...
  45. Korean Maple growth rate?
  46. Random Shots
  47. Lotus Tub and close up of spectacular leaf.
  48. Guerrilla gardening
  49. Just gotta love WalMart
  50. Don't Set Your Watch By My....