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Topics - happyoutsidegirl

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Pond Chat / Baby fish catcher?
« on: July 30, 2012, 12:56:22 PM »
Hi guys, remember me? I know it's been a long time! Say do any of you know anything about the traps to catch the little buggers? I don't know how many are in there but my pond is way to big to try and net them? :-\ My big guys ate most of the eggs and I rescued all that were laid in the water floaters to a tempareary pond. Any thoughts on this would be more than welcome!!! Thanks, Debbie

Koi Corner / Minnow traps
« on: July 30, 2012, 12:45:50 PM »
Hi everyone. Say do any of you know anything about the minnow traps you can put in your pond, or know where one could be found? I have a bunch of them (Babies that is) and I think trying to net them would be more than difficult! Thanks so much!  Debbie

Chit Chat / Why is my post locked?
« on: April 21, 2011, 11:47:44 AM »
I know it's been awhile but I'm confused! :-\

Chit Chat / Remember me?
« on: April 21, 2011, 11:26:14 AM »
Hi everyone, Don't fall over from shock if you do remember me.  ;D I know it's been a long long time but I do think of you guys often and I ware my T shirt often. I haven't been on since shortly after I started going with my BF whom I'm still with BTY! Yep It'll be 3 years in Aug. with him, o(:-) and comming up on 4 yrs. since my DDH passed.  :( I just wanted to come in and say hi and see how maney of my old friends are still around. I keep up with severial of them in FB. We still havent started spring yet and my pond and wet pets are screaming at me for help! Still just to cold,haven't even hit hit 60* yet. Whats up with this year? usually by now I'v had shorts on severial times? Anywais, Hi to all and I hope you all are doing great!

                                             Debbie, Still happy to be outside girl!

Pond Chat / Hi all I'm back!
« on: March 15, 2009, 07:57:40 PM »
Hi anyone remember me? The wild woman! I have been gone a long time now and I miss all of you! But my life has new meaning now  @O@and I'm sooooo happy about it. 8-)~ I'm still with Jason the guy who swept me off my feet and continues to do so! and we do almost everything together.My pond looks like sh*^$ and has hair prettier than mine and a but load of mix breeds? Jason says he will help me when spring gets hear to get them out and get her clean and beautiful again! A lot has happend with me in the last 7 months and I would like to hope and belive it's all good? I guess only time and God will tell?  I miss you all and I thank all of you who sent me emails that I did not reply to for not knowing what to say.     Happyoutsidegirl

Chit Chat / Ellensburg Jazz in the Valley
« on: July 29, 2008, 04:31:33 PM »
Ok here are a few. Some of Jon and Ingrid and some of Raina and Bekka

Pond Chat / Lots of talk about Skippies But
« on: July 24, 2008, 04:25:58 PM »
Has anyone done a DIY skimmer?? that's what I'm wanting to add. Just haven't come up with a good plan? Mine works so well but It would be so great if I had one on the other side also!

Aquatic and Terrestrial Plant Exchange / Trade Margionals
« on: July 23, 2008, 04:40:46 AM »
Hi, I divided my huge Marsh Merigold and I have a good little plant left over. I potted it and it's really taking off. I also have Bog bean I can trade. I would like some hardy margionals. Easier to list what I have. 
Varigated sweet flag,
blue and purpel Japaniese iris
Marsh Merigold
bog beans
Min cat, reg. cat
water cellary, That my piggies ate most of >:(-
I have more but can't think. Also would trade for a nice hardy yellow or real dark Lilly!
I also have a ton of Perional Sweet Peas. There pink and taking over the bank.

Chit Chat / Hay, has anyone heard from
« on: July 22, 2008, 07:19:00 PM »
Blind Too??? He meets apretty gal, falls in love? o(:-) and disapears :'(  Hope he's doing well!!!!!

Chit Chat / I'm a nervious reck
« on: July 21, 2008, 07:58:28 PM »
Hi all, I just needed to share this cuz I'm so nervious.
My girl friend and I went to the Hydro plain races on Sat. and had a great time. Then we decided we needed to go out dancing. Well we closed the place down and had a great time. So why am I so jittary? I met a guy! A big tall guy and he is just a Great Dancer!!!! @O@ We got along real well and had a very good time. Ok I'm getting there. I have a dinner date with him on Fri! :D :o I haven't been on a date in 28 years except with my DDH. I feel like a scool girl going to her first prom. Any advice?????

Chit Chat / Were Haveing a terriable wind storm! After pix!
« on: July 10, 2008, 04:41:30 PM »
It's blowing so hard the raido is telling people to stay inside and off the roads! Heres some pix. The one of the pond ya can't tell much but note the humming bird fider position! And see the big old metal chairs up by the pond? Well they are both in the pond along with anything else that moved! And they are staying there tell it's over :D I'll try and get more pix if I can get outside????? The pond looks a mess from here! :'( >:(-

Pond Chat / Look what I did Today
« on: July 09, 2008, 06:40:00 PM »
This is my new lotus from Frank! I decided to dig a hole at the corner of the pond and bury it!
And while I was at it I did this! :'(
and a few weeks ago I finally got my fountion in!

Chit Chat / Look what I got!
« on: May 16, 2008, 05:17:45 AM »
I haven't been around much as my parents are still here and we have been busy going threw DDH things, having an auction and huge Y/S comming up. it's been tough. But! I did how ever trade in DDH truck and got this wonderful little Jetta VW. I love it even tho it's a BIG change for me. I have always driven a big truck. I still have my big Dodge tho, couldn't part with her.

Pond Chat / Has anyone ever
« on: March 17, 2008, 04:57:27 PM »
Checked out the links above? I was just going threw them and this was a really cool one. I found it really interesting

Chit Chat / Please give a click
« on: March 12, 2008, 10:36:29 AM »
Please go to this site and Click the button to give underprivileged women free mammograms:

Click once a day. (I checked Snopes. It's true.) 

Pond Chat / Look what I got!
« on: March 09, 2008, 05:41:57 PM »
Last night I went to the Legasey dinner and auction. Well It wasent in the budget but I got it for only $50 bucks! It's 2 feet tall and about 3x3 all the way around. It has been drilled and a pump nipple mounted. It is a repleca of the big ones that are going up at the Legacey memorial.I'm even going to have a small brass plaque made for it In Memory Of Bill. Simalure to the bigger ones that will be going on the rock walls of the memorial for armed forces. I think it's so cool! Now to decide where to put it at ponds edge? Since I took the first bid I got first choice of the 3 that were made @O@ I took the bigest one of coarse.

Chit Chat / Hay Bullfrog!
« on: March 03, 2008, 05:12:17 AM »
Is all ok? we haven't heard from ya in awhile, How's your leg? and your wife? Talk to us!

Chit Chat / Human Statue of Liberty!
« on: February 29, 2008, 07:06:30 PM »
This is INCREDIBLE ! The picture was taken in 1918. It is 18,000 men preparing for war in a training camp at Camp Dodge in Iowa. A gift from our grandfathers...maybe our great-grandfathers...

Pond Chat / It's not pretty, But
« on: February 29, 2008, 03:28:32 PM »
The snow is almost gone and my fish came out today @O@

Chit Chat / Total Eclips is NOW
« on: February 20, 2008, 07:48:17 PM »
So are any of you seeing it? It's been really cool to watch. It turned all orange before it went dark. Get out there Now and look!!!!!

Chit Chat / Fingers In The Dirt
« on: February 19, 2008, 03:46:27 PM »
today! @O@It was house plants but still dirt. I started repotting all my house plants today but I ran out of dirt. So tomarrow I'm off to the big town to get some more.Even tho it was in the house it felt good to get dirty.

Pond Chat / Snuck out this Morning
« on: February 13, 2008, 11:05:48 AM »
with camara in hand and got this little guy bathing now that most of the ice is gone! But my kids are still hidding in there cave, wich is a plastic 50 gal barrel upside down with openings on 2 sides.Also saw that my bog beans are comming to life in that fridgid water @O@

Chit Chat / So Is Anyone Going To Follow AI
« on: January 21, 2008, 05:42:05 PM »
this season? I watched the first night but missed the 2nd. It's just the auditions tho. I can't belive how hooked I always get and then how disapointed I was last year cuz Blake didn't win! :-\

Chit Chat / Hello everyone from NY- added pictures
« on: December 26, 2007, 08:20:20 PM »
I'm here! and it's way wormer tan I thought it would be! The humidity is high. Today late afternoon we got a hail storm and the wind was strong walking back to the kids appartment. But I shopped alone for about 3 hrs downtown Astoria. And the good news is I spent every penny on me so far! {:-P;; {:-P;;My first flight lw=eaving Seattle at 2 wa cancled so my son got me on an ealier flight out of San Fransisco. So during my 1 1/2 hr. lay over I called Lindas Joy who mostly learks here but I love her any ways. I got here about 10ish NY timeI. ordered a double Kahlua and slept most all the way. My son picked me up and drove me all over the city. It was breath taking for me since I'm such a country girl.OOps got to get. Jon is picking me up now to go get a friend flyng in froom Sweeden. Love to all!

Chit Chat / OMG! Only 3 more Days!
« on: December 20, 2007, 04:52:03 AM »
I'm really scrapping for some cloths to ware to work that don't fall off as I have the few pants I'v bought in my suitcase. Not to excitted @O@ @O@ I sure hope the snow stormes are over with by Sun. mornin when I have to drive over the pass to get to Seattle. Yesterday I pampered myself. All my nails looked really bad and broken of here and there so I treeted myself to a manicure and a nail job! Never done that before and now they look great. Got my hair cut to so I don't have to do any fusssing with it. Oh I know, now your gonna say pictures again right lol I'm getting really nervious and I shouldn't be.  :D 8-)~ o( I'm running around like a stupid chicken with it's head cut off, ao I slow down and go over to my lists take a deep breath and say it's going to be fine, just put everything on the list in and I'm good to go. But what if I forget something important? No problem, there are LOTS of stores in NY right? right? So anyways I'm just using nervious inergy here instead of getting ready for work don't mind me.Ok nuff rambling.

Chit Chat / Portland People!
« on: December 12, 2007, 04:53:49 AM »
I hope all of you are safe? I have been watching that horriable huge mud slide that took out a whole neighborhood. Please talk to us.

Pond Chat / Threw the ice
« on: November 20, 2007, 01:30:18 PM »
Here are a couple of pix I got this am. I went to check on the kids and there was a thin layer covering them. Pond not so purdy now.

I thought of you today! I have a resident hawk who takes up homming here in the winter as there are lots of Quail and easy pickens. When I came home from work he was perched high on the hill watching me. I have a vidio of him one winter eatting a quail right on my deck rail under the covered part of coarse just out side my door. Any way he swooped down twords me and let out his mighty scream that sent my two old hens a running for cover, and turned away just feet from me. It was almost like  to say welcome home. Or get the He~~ out? not sure. Then I thought you old eagel eye youv'e been hanging around here now for the best part of 11 years are you saying hi or what? Any ways it was really cool. I thought about his free spirit, and it reminded me of you! Just thought I'd share that, don't know why? Just did?

Chit Chat / For Anyone living in or near New York!
« on: November 17, 2007, 09:54:13 AM »
I'm going to NY on Christmas eve and staying untill the 3rd of Jan. Anyone interested in meeting? Does anyone still keep in contact with Joyce so she could join in? I think it would be a blast!!!

Chit Chat / I Got my Tee Shirt Today!!!
« on: October 13, 2007, 02:30:19 PM »
 @O@ Thank You Jerry! :hug: Hay anyone who doesent have one, They are WAY better looking in person, Much Like myself. Just Kidding lol

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