Eliza it was nice getting to know you on chat last night. Please return for another visit.
I started with 4 goldies and 1 shubunkin in a 35 gallon preform above ground. After two summers, I got a 160 gallon stock tank for them. Last summer made 7 full years and I lost the first one.
The fourth summer I got a 90 gallon tank and 3 fantails. The cold winter is harder on them. During a cold spell they hardly move at all while the goldies are swimming around.
Then we started having babies. The first time it was only 2 and we didn't even know until we shut down the 90 gal tank for the winter.
The next summer we had some tadpoles in a tub and I was adding pond water to their tub regularly. Soon we noticed baby fish. We moved them indoors for the winter. Little did we know that that was just the beginning.

Any way 5 feeder fish and 8 years later I have 5 8' tanks plus the 160 gallon and the 90 gallon all with offspring of the original plus the fantails. I even have fish with a commet body and a short fantail.

A neighbor asked the other day if I had enough tanks yet...I said, "Maybe, do you have one you want to get rid of?"