Well it has started...I started dividing Lotus today...I should be able to start filling Pre-orders and orders by mid- week.....But, I thought for those who have just got lotus in the last couple years and have never divided them...I would show you how.....hope this helps those who never have divided one.
This can be very messy so make sure to wear rubber boots and old clothes.
Only attemt to divide a lotus when it is dormant...do not do it when it is growing....
First you empty all water from container and dump all contents out on the ground..(the lotus will be upside down-leave it that way) and start rinsing all mud off with a water hose-I use the jet stream to do this.this is what it will look like before you start rinsing
(See picture 1)after you get most of the mud rinsed off the sides then lift up on the sides just enough to insert hose under the lotus...What you are trying to do is get enough mud off of the lotus to be able to lift it up and turn it over....
Once turn over
(See picture 2) then rinse off the remaining mud....
Once all mud is off then gently pick up the lotus with both hands and place somewhere else so you can work on dividing
(See picture3) (as the place you dumped it out at will be very muddy and wet)...
Once you have it somewhere dry start unwinding it if possible..(with only one years growth this is possible) or if it is very dense like the one pictured(usually 2+ years growth) then start finding all dead tubers and roots and pull them off....As you start getting rid of the dead and old tubers it will be easier to see the new growth and how it lays and winds.....start to unwind the new growth as you unwind it...make your divisions.. smaller tubers I leave 2-3 growing tips and larger I try and leave 2-6 growing tips...I really depends on how long each tuber is....make your cuts in the middle of each tuber
(See picture 4) after you are done this is what you have a pile of old/dead tubers
(See picture5) and a pile of live viable tubers
(See picture6) If any growing tips are broke from tuber it goes into the dead/old pile...since they will not grow with out a growing tip....
I then store them in a tub of water in a cool shady place
(see Picture 7) For me that is in my small unheated gh...you can keep them in the garage or shed if you like...just as long as they don't freeze...and it is not warm enough to encourage growth before it is time to plant them....
