Portland Cement ( bought at lowes) small bag, vermiculite (sp) or Perlite & Peat moss . . Used Motor oil or Pam cooking oil as a mold releaser. A mold of your choice....such plastic bowl , wooden box ect.
Knife ,water , wire bursh . Cement dye ( Lowe's) ( optional)
Use enough water to make the concret mixture the consistancy (sp ) of brownie mix. ..(.And I have no idea how much that is cause I don't measure it...
Use all equal part's of each Portland cement,vermiculite or perlite & Peat moss...such as a 2 quart container ect.
Mix it all up before u add the water . Add cement dye in water & mix it well , if u are adding cement dye.
Reclyced, used motor oil to coat the boxes with, but u can use pam cooking spray . This helps to
get the finished piece out of your mold. It usally take's two day's to set . Take it out of mold & trim edge's with a knife & brush side's with wire brush. This will give it an old look . If you don't want your's to look old then don't use the wire brush on it.
This is so easy ! I love makeing them !
This picture show's it in the wodden box I made . 2'x1-1/2' x6" . It's still too wet to take out of the mold.
This trough is a little rough inside , but put some dirt in it & no one know's it rough but you .

I took it out & trimed up the side's & brushed it with the wire brush. Still a little wet tho.

I added some cement dye to this one. (Terra Cotta )

I used a plastic bowl on this one.

Rubbermaid on this one .