Here is a step by step of how I built my first raised wooden pond (Kat's ponds being my inspiration

) It is made of 4x4s and is 5'x10'x21" deep. I think it turned out pretty well all in all- I am thrilled with it anyway. It isn't perfectly level, in spite of my gallant efforts to level it first, but it isn't too far off- about 1" different at one end than the other- it will serve its purpose well, even at an angle

I "leveled" the ground on Thursday evening, began sawing, stacking, and bolting on Friday evening, and finished up on Saturday afternoon. Took a total of about 7 hours, just doing it by myself. (borrowing my Dad's power tools really shaved off time and effort!)
Okay, here is the deal with the liner.... It is (obviously) a swimming pool liner... I got it at Wal-Mart on clearance. It is pretty thick and was marked down from $42.88 to $17.00. It is for a pool 3'x12' round. The blue will eventually be hidden with algae, as a couple of my other ponds have proven

The walls are all 4x4s, and I used 5/16"ø x 6" lag screws with washers (countersunk and alternately staggered). The top trim boards are 1x6s.
framed up:

lag bolt closeup:

bottom carpet laid:

sides lined with carpet (the local carpet store's dumpster is an underlayment jackpot!!)

filling up:

Just fill it up, leave the liner hanging over the sides, screw in the top board, then go back and trim the liner on the outside under the trim
cap boards attached:

all done!

And filled out a couple of months later

Don't hesitate to PM me with any questions... I am no expert by any means, but will be happy to help if I can