Author Topic: Posting a picture with a live link  (Read 7286 times)

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Posting a picture with a live link
« on: February 24, 2009, 09:38:25 AM »
Okay, it works. I hunted down the format necessary to dynamically link a picture to a web file or address so that the link is live in the forum post.
First I am going to give you a bit of background on how and why. If you want to know more go to...

The little buttons above the text input box when you are trying to post something are conveniences.
I am referring to the Insert Image, Insert Hyperlink, Insert Email etc. buttons.

They let you use Bulletin Board Code better known as BBCode to better control the way something looks in your forum post.
It was created and implemented so that users could have some control without giving control to them the way html input would.
It is essentially a safety protocol for the forum web masters.

Now if you click the Insert Image button it puts in the following...
img] [/img I deleted the outer set of brackets to show you what I meant, otherwise it would have tried to point at a photo somewhere.
If you click the Insert Image button you will understand what I am referring to.

NOW... for what you have been waiting for...

This is the syntax necessary to point to a picture that in turn points to another location or if you so choose another picture.

Here is the code for my link...

url=] img][/img[/url

You would replace with the link to where you want it to go once the image is clicked.

You would replace with the link to where the picture is located on the web.

Remember, I deleted the beginning bracket and the ending bracket. They are the ones next to the letter P on your keyboard.
You will have to put these on before posting. Just make sure to use preview before you post.

In case you do not know how to do that, find a picture anywhere on the web, right click on it and view it's properties. Select the text and copy where it tells it's URL or web address is pointing to.
Sometimes the address is very long and you might need to click and drag to get the entire address.

A few more items to aid you with BBCode...

You can use the buttons as that is the easiest way to accomplish what you wish to do.
However there is a bit more functionality if you can type it in yourself.
If you upload a photo to the forum, it automatically loads after the text portion of your post.
You cannot change that. If you are using the Insert Image link to point where it resides on the web then you can control how you display it including descriptive text etc as follows...

Ken's N. Blue Cloud

Live links posted from forum members info...

My site

Rick's site

Carlos' site

I hope this helps someone.


« Last Edit: March 02, 2009, 09:18:52 AM by Timgod »
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Re: Posting a picture with a live link
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2009, 09:56:08 PM »
I just got a little Flip Camera.  This will work well.
Thanks Tim

Northridge, California  
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