Author Topic: How I potted my Lotus with Joyce's recipe...  (Read 2547 times)

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How I potted my Lotus with Joyce's recipe...
« on: March 31, 2009, 06:41:24 PM »
Hi all,

I got some Lotus tubers from Tinkster and posted some pic's of it in chat.  She suggested I post them here, so here goes.

The first pic is of the barrel, manure, rocks and osmocote I used.  20 gallon barrel, composted cow manure, pea gravel and 14-14-14 flower and veg. osmocote.

Forgot to take a pic of the osmocote at the bottom of the barrel before I added the dirt, but it's there.  The pot measured ruffly 24 inches at the top.  So I added around 1 cup osmocote.

Next is the barrel with the dirt and and tubers on top.

Also a pic of the tubers before planted.  (Of course, the growing tip in the pic that was broke off I did not plant.)

Then pic with the rocks added and last with water in the barrel (also took one couple days later.  Was careful not to cover the tips as one of the tubers had a very short growing tip coming up (the middle tuber).  Approximately 1 to 1 1/2 inches of pea gravel.
And then added a couple inches of water (used pond water out of a preformed that has about 6 fish and a couple water lilies.)

Hope this helps and I hope these instructions are as clear as mud, as I'm not used to posting how too's.

Sorry, limited to four pic's, so I couldn't add the pic's of the water added, but I think you all can imagine that.



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